Bald Face Liar, I mean “Creative Writer” Blogger Award

A fellow writer, the wonderful Chloe Waits, asked me to participate in this harmless liar’s game. I think it sounds like fun! I’ll post seven items about me, only TWO of which are true. The others are “little white lies”.

1. I lived in New York, where I found my passion to write.

2. I once broke my leg sledding down Bell Tower Hill at KU University.

3. I grew up with two mothers instead of a father and  a mother.

4.  Writing is my second passion my first is Asthma Education

5. I’m totally optimistic without a bad bone in my body.

6. I am a merch girl for a rock band.

7. I write whatever genre my characters choose to be.

I now hereby pass on the Liar’s Torch to these writers ( in no particular order!). Keep the liar’s game going. Visit their sites and see if you can guess which of their statements are little white lies:

Sandy Sullivan

Trent Kinsey

Kissa Starling

Marty Rayne

Leah Vaughn

Jude Mason

Debbie Gould

About mahalia2010

Mother, Sister, Friend, Author

Posted on March 3, 2010, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. hmmmm. I’m going on a wild guess here….but I chose 1 and 7 as being true

  2. Muahahaha maybe however I won’t be telling what is true or false until sometime tomorrow I’m curious to see what others have to say!

  3. lol… I hear ya…I’d play the game, but I’m too damn lazy tonight and I’m trying to figure out where my muse went to this time 😀

  4. When the muse comes back ! It was fun then you can pass the torch to a handful of peeps

  5. Hey Hales!
    you got my email I see!
    Okay I think #4 is true, and I am torn between #7 and #2. …. geez
    let me know!
    I think writing might be your first, but I think Asthma education would be up there…

  6. LOL I’ll be telling sometime this week! No clues at all till then.

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