SCP’s Veteran’s Day Hop!


Welcome! Some of our Secret Cravings authors have come together here to honor veterans. Each author has pledge to donate $30 to The Wounded Warrior Project. We’d like to make it $30 for 30 comments. So please, visit all our authors blogs, and remember to leave comments!! Click on the author’s name to go to their blog. Thank you for coming. Other Blog Links are Listed after my post! Make sure you  go visit all of the SCP authors participating and leave comments 😛

Good Morning! I’m a member of Rom Vets, a group of female veteran authors. We come together on line, on the phone and at conferences to celebrate the time we spent in the military, no matter what branch we hail from. To be part of this group of women is amazing. Everyone has different stories to share, and experiences. Some write soley military romance, or some type of romance with men in Uniform. Their stories jump off the pages simply because they’ve lived the lifestyle and have personal experiences to write about.

I’ve met a few male authors on line who are still serving and writing and they amaze me. They continue to protect our country and still find time to reach their goal with their craft and storytelling.

My grandfather  was in WWII, I remember interviewing him in high school for homework. His dedication and drive is what propelled me to join the Navy right out of High School. I didn’t feel that college would be a good fit for me then, and while I chose to get out after my first tour to raise my daughter, I still remember the fellowshipping with all the men and women I served with.

Now I get to watch my son in ROTC prepare for his future. His drive and plan on attending one of the top Engineering programs while still being in ROTC and joining as an Officer once completed. His father, grandfather and grandmother were all Marines.

I am thankful for the opportunity I got while serving and grateful for friends and family who have served, and are still serving.

I don’t have a military story with SCP but I do have my Rescue Fire team Series


Heaven Sent is Free on Amazon

HeavenSent_Draft Link

 Mia Justice counts every day as a blessing, not taking life for granted. Although she has strong faith, she finds it hard to move on in her personal life, until an accident changes her perception of really living.

Dire Sylis takes his job and the responsibility that comes with his job seriously. Saving as many lives or helping in any situation is how he pays homage to the father he lost as a young adult. However nothing prepares him the chance encounter that will change his life.

Forbidden Deception available on SCP Site

ForbiddenDeception_MED Link

No one knows how a solitary lie has the power to rip a heart to pieces. For ten years Ailyn Dominguez has lived with a constant reminder of heartbreak that left her devastated and pregnant. While nothing gives her more pleasure than being a mother, the lie she lives weighs her down like a ball and chain. Even if she knew where to look, her deceit could cost her everything she holds dear.

Responsibility for others has always rested on Seth Mahone. Every day he gears up to protect and serve, leads his men and finds fulfillment in doing his best. With one friend settled down, he reevaluates his life and the price he paid when the one woman he loved disappeared, leaving a void in his life. Regretting what caused their split, he hasn’t fully let go or found another to take her place.

When the past collides with the present both must confront the deception that split them apart.

I’ll be giving away a copy of Forbidden Deception. Make sure you comment with your email address and I’ll a winner  on 11/12. 

Check out these other blogs!


About mahalia2010

Mother, Sister, Friend, Author

Posted on November 9, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. my grandfather was in ww2 behind enemy lines when d day happened. his wife my grandmother was a wireless operation during ww2 and she had some amazing stories to tell

  2. Mahalia,
    First off thank you for your service. I’ve never heard of Rom Vets. What a cool group. Your novel Forbidden Deception sounds tense . I’m definitely checking it out.

  3. Thank you for being a part of the WW blog hop. My husband and I are both veterans, and I spent many years playing the role of the military wife. I’m always fascinated by the tales told by those seasoned and brave men and women who served.

  4. Thank you for your service. I am dying to read this book! 🙂 88’s

  5. Mahalia, how fascinating about the Rom Vets. That must be great story background too. Thanks for participating and thank you for your service.

  6. Thanks for the selfless service of you and your family members. And thank you as well for the free story! This blog hop is a great thing, and I’m happy to do my part in supporting our wounded warriors.

  7. Thanks for taking part in the project, and thank you, too for your service.

  8. This a great way for all of you to show support for our troops. My brother-n-law is stationed at Ft. Bragg he was sent to Afghanistan and luckily came home safe. so thank you for your service and your family’s

  9. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I haven’t read any of your books yet but they’ve gone onto my wish list.

  10. It’s a great cause. I’m glad you’re participating.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  11. Thank you for serving! Happy Veteran’s Day!!

  12. Thanks for sharing, Hales! My dad served, and I’m thankful he returned safe and whole. I’m tremendously thankful to all those who serve and sacrifice to keep the rest of us safe and free.

    fedora at gmail dot com

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